November 15th 2022

Community Development Company of Nesting [DOWNLOAD HERE]

Newsletter No 14, November 2022


With the increased cost of living putting more financial pressure on community households, CDCN is partnering with local organisations to support the Nesting, Girlsta and Wadbister communities in some of the following ways:

Community Foodbank - CDCN is working with the Shetland Foodbank to establish a foodbank operation in the area. You can GIVE HELP by donating items including food and toiletries to the collection points at Skellister Stores and the entrance to the South Nesting Public Hall. If you (or someone you know) is struggling to put food on the table, you can GET HELP by emailing to or phoning 01595 890 770 to let us know, and we will take action from there.

Energy Cost Support CDCN has invited the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) out to Nesting as part of their Energy Advice Outreach Service. Due to high demand for their services at the current time, this is likely to commence in January 2023 at the earliest. In the meantime, CAB recommended that we point community members towards the comprehensive energy advice on their website:

Please also note that Living Well Hub coordinators can issue emergency electricity vouchers to anyone with a prepayment meter who is on Emergency Credit or near Emergency Credit. If you know of anyone struggling to pay for their electricity right now, then please email or phone 01595 744 120.

A ‘Warm Welcome’ in Nesting – CDCN is currently supporting the South Nesting Public Hall to secure funding to set up a day event at the hall over the winter, with various activities and the chance to meet up with others. More details to follow soon!


Scrapstore Expansion – CDCN is delighted to have been awarded a total of £112,117 through the Scottish Government’s Islands Programme and Highlands and Islands Enterprise to expand our Nesting Scrapstore through the provision of additional access and parking, and a new portable cabin to extend the existing shop. The Scrapstore developments, which will allow us to expand our current services and product range, should be completed by Spring 2023, and the Scrapstore will remain open during this time.

Recruitment for Scrapstore Team Leader – CDCN has also recently been awarded £36,758 through the Coastal Communities Fund to employ a part-time Team Leader for our Scrapstore (3-year post, 20 hours per week). More details about this job, and how to apply, can be found in the job advert on the back of this newsletter. The closing date is 5pm, Fri 18th November 2022.


Thank you to all community members who made suggestions on potential future uses for the METHODIST CHAPEL. A surveyor will shortly be assessing the current condition of the building. Once this is completed, CDCN will facilitate the next steps of community consultation.

The NESTING GYM is currently trialling a new ‘hybrid’ booking setup based on feedback from gym members. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays still operate with the same private booking system (using the ‘Book the Gym’ button at However, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are open to all members without booking, and it costs only £3 per person for a maximum of 2 hours of gym use – for these days, payment is made using the honesty box or via the QR scan code (both located at the gym). More details about this can be found on the Gym page of the CDCN website (as above).

Just a reminder that CDCN MEETINGS take place fortnightly on Tuesdays from 7.30pm at the Aald Skül, South Nesting and everyone in the community is very welcome to attend.

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